me, myself, but not i
ㅤHe was originally born to be a vessel for a heart,ㅤ
ㅤbut he shed tears in his dreams. His creator observed thus: he was too fragile, whether it be as a human or as a tool. Yet his creator would not destroy him, and so allowed him to continue slumbering. Later, ㅤthe beautiful puppet awokeㅤ and began his wanderings. He observed many a heart, good ones, upright ones, strong ones, gentle ones ... ㅤthe puppet desired a heart.ㅤ
ㅤthis is a story ofㅤ
ㅤdivinity, forfeiting your godhood, the loss of your innocence, one's nature versus nurture, being composed of both good and evil, the solemn eternity of an immortal life, self identity, finding your true self again, overcoming past betrayals and loss, atoning for your sins, the horrors of science and its medical malpractices, human experiments, dehumanization, a new chance to find your own path, the healing hands of loved ones and rebirth.

ㅤa portrayal for The Wanderer ( known as Kazuma ) from genshin impact. writing all iterations, such as scaramouche and kunikuzushi, but defaults to the former. highly based on headcanons and canon divergent. private, independent, mutuals exclusive and highly selective. LOW ACTIVITY.
i will not interact with those under the age of 21 years. mature themes will be presented here. not duplicate friendly. established 28 May 2023, ㅤBY JUNO.ㅤ

Hey there, you can call me Juno! Your local gamer and bird enthusiast. I have been playing Genshin Impact since 2022 and as such, I'm fully caught up with the current story so far. I also tend to read leaks. spoilers are not a problem for me.
I have a main account on the NA servers at AR59, feel free to add my UID! I also have two more alts if you want to add me in-game and make use of my materials / resources or just hang out together sometimes! Discord is available to mutuals. I tend to be a bit scatterbrained, so forgive my slow replies sometimes. Do not hesitate to give me a poke if I forget to reply.
GENSHIN UID: 655278724 ( NA ) STAR RAIL UID: 600146902 ( NA )

juno , he / him , 30
gmt +2 timezone
mature themes present
This is a private, mutuals exclusive and highly selective blog for Genshin Impact's WANDERER. Due to the nature of the portrayed muse and the mature themes present,
I will only be writing with those 21 and above. Minors will be blocked upon attempting to interact or if you are caught lying to me. This blog is not spoiler free. All spoilers and leaks will always be tagged, but tread cautiously if you are new to the game.
THERE WILL BE TRIGGERING CONTENT which might involve, but is not limited to, the following mature subjects: gore, death, body horror, unethical medical / human experiments, mental health struggles ( specifically re: Borderline Personality Disorder ) and suicidal thoughts or ideation. While not all of these subjects will be written, they might still be mentioned in some way. Everything will be tagged appropriately.
I'M AN EXTREMELY SLOW WRITER. If you are seeking a writing partner who is able to do rapid fire responses, then this blog might not be for you. It can take me anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks before a reply is posted. As such, this blog is permanently low activity.
While I always try to be as active as possible, I have many other hobbies that I like to pursue outside of tumblr. That said, I usually lurk on the dash even when I'm not actively writing. Please rest assured that my SPEED IS NOT A REFLECTION OF INTEREST. This slow speed is in large part due to my perfectionism of trying to come up with the best response, not because I lost interest.
GENERAL ROLEPLAY ETIQUETTE APPLIES, meaning that if we have not discussed this plot beforehand, I do not condone killing my character, forcing relationships not present in canon, godmodding or metagaming. Repeated offenses will result in a dropped thread and a softblock. Please discuss such plots with me first. I am not duplicate friendly.
Unfortunately, a lot of my experiences with duplicates have been unpleasant due to theft / copying. I also prefer to stay in my own bubble. As such, do not interact if you are a duplicate. Exceptions to this rule are multimuses. Beyond that, I'm MUTUALS ONLY, and therefore I will only interact with those who I follow in return.
While I try to adhere to canon for the most part, my portrayal will be BASED ON HEADCANONS AND DIVERGENT. I have been writing Wanderer for a while now and as such, I added my own spin on him over time. Please do not steal
any of my graphics, headcanons, theories or writing. This is blog does not serve as a resource. While some overlaps are completely natural, I will notice if certain aspects of my portrayal are copied. Furthermore, DO NOT ASSUME FANON APPLIES. There may be some theories and headcanons I enjoy, but this will not apply to all of them. If in doubt, ask me about it! I promise I will not bite and definitely prefer this over drawing conclusions.
mains / exclusives
I LOVE MAINS / AFFILIATES and will likely expand on them over time. It helps create a more cohesive environment for my muse and I enjoy building close dynamics with other writers. That said, this is reserved for my friends
or people I have been writing with for a while. Exclusives are rare beyond ship exclusivity and I will never be exclusive with a muse from Genshin Impact. Similar to shipping, I treat my mains / affiliates as MUSE EXCLUSIVE, meaning I only have one portrayal for each character displayed on my bonds page. I expect the same treatment in return. There might be exceptions to this rule, but only if we have spoken about this privately beforehand.
SHIPPING WILL BE HIGHLY SELECTIVE. Wanderer is a character that does not work well with everyone, and I tend to prefer a small handful of ships over a large quantity. Keep in mind that all my ships are muse exclusive,
meaning that I will only be shipping with one version of a character at a time. I expect this privilege to be returned, so if you already have a ship with another Wanderer, please do not ship with me. I'm not interested in writing polyamorous or open relationships. Needless to say, I will not ship with minors or muses that are clearly coded to resemble minors. Wanderer is an adult and so am I, therefore mun and muse must both be at least 21 years old. Last but not least, do not force ships on me.
drama / dni
STANDARD DNI APPLY. Do not interact if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc. Do not follow me if you genderbend your characters. While I typically do not support callouts, there are exceptions to this rule if it pertains a serious situation. If you consider victims speaking up and defending themselves as hearsay, immature or childish — please do not follow me. I block as necessary
for my comfort and will block those that blocked me to avoid breaching boundaries. Do not interact IF YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH or actively write with Lupin / Asra / Styx / Nyx. This person has personally affected me and I want nothing to do with them. While you may do as you wish, I will not follow if you condone their actions.
psd © myself
dash graphics © aedearly
artwork used by © erusane97
screenshots by © myself, public resource
used carrd layouts by © paletterph / isaworks
please tag alcohol / pregnancy / eds
These topics make me extremely uncomfortable if they pertain real life situations and events. This includes drunk or tipsy posts on the dash, mentioning being tipsy while talking to me in DMs, etc. If you are deep in drinking culture, please do not interact with me oocly. This is nothing personal against you, but it is not something I am comfortable with. Repeat offenses of this going untagged will eventually result in a block. Respect my boundary.
the wanderer
later, the lovely puppet would finally obtain that heart. It was, after all,ㅤㅤhis purpose for being,ㅤ
ㅤthe very reason he existed. Yet, it was not what the puppet truly desired, for it did not contain any blessings, but was insteadㅤㅤa sacrifice brimming with selfishness,ㅤㅤhypocrisy, cunning & curses, wrapped in an amiable husk.
NAME Kazuma. ( 和真 )
MEANING Harmony. True form. Complete.
OTHER NAMES ' Hat Guy. ' Wanderer. Scaramouche. Kunikuzushi. Kabukimono. Balladeer. Sixth of the Harbingers. Shouki no Kami. Prodigal Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom.
AGE Eternal. 400+ years old.
DATE Awoke 3rd January. Capricorn.
GENDER Transmasculine. ( He / Him )
SEXUALITY Gay. Demiromantic homosexual.
SPECIES Divine puppet. ( Synthetic )
ETHNICITY Inazuman. Japanese / East Asian.
OCCUPATION Wanderer. Kagemusha to Lesser Lord Kusanali. ' Scholar ' of the Vahumana Darshan. Harbinger.
AFFILIATIONS Lesser Lord Kusanali. The Sumeru Akademiya. The Vahumana Darshan. The Fatui Harbingers.

❝ he was a transcendent being, divinely created, yet he was cast aside like worthless dross, Destined to bear a long life and a hollow will
. . . ❞
EYES Indigo. May glow.
HAIR Black with blue shimmer.
STYLE Kept in a loose hime cut style.
SKINTONE Ivory. Naturally unblemished.
VOICE Patrick Pedraza.
HEIGHT 5'2'' feet / 160 cm.
PHYSIQUE Athletic, inhumanly sturdy.
NOTEWORTHY A concealed beauty mark under his left eye. Sharp canines. Nails painted black. Traces of doll-like joints on his wrists, ankles, knees and elbows. A magatama-esque symbol on the back of his neck that resembles the electro element. ' Scars ' partially obscur the symbol from his attempt to remove it. Body is covered in cyan markings that glow when using anemo powers. Bleeds a liquid with a starry texture that varies between purple and blue shades. Skin cracks like a doll when hurt.
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral.
ENNEAGRAM Type 6 with 5 Wing.
A wayfaring figure whose true identity is a mystery. He dresses similar to a mountain ascetic, but he certainly does not act the part. After erasing his Fatui ties from Irminsul, the Wanderer is shown to be amiable, yet lives an unsatisfactory life as he ㅤlacks human heart and name.ㅤ
MENTAL HEALTH He displays the symptoms of BPD ( Borderline Personality Disorder ), a mentall illness characterized by a pattern of unstable relationships and a distorted sense of self. Those affected have intense emotional reactions, tend to engage in dangerous behaviors and find it difficult to return to a stable baseline. They might struggle with chronic emptiness, ㅤfear of being abandoned,ㅤ
difficulty controlling anger and suicidal ideations.

A puppet consumed by a raging fire will leave behind ashes. As for what will emerge from them ...
Birds / animals. Bitter herbal teas. Spicy food. Trinkets. Inazuman festivals. Scent of petrichor. Stargazing.
brawn ★★★★☆☆☆
speed ★★★★★★★
wisdom ★★★★☆☆☆
dexterity ★★★★★☆☆
constitution ★★★★★★☆
intelligence ★★★★★★☆
Sewing ( dolls in particular ), can cook well, swordsmanship that extends to sword dancing, knows how to and can play the ryuteki flute, some knowledge on the forging of swords, likes feeding birds and animals, a decent artist ( sumi-e ), flying to high spots to relax / sleep.
Sticky sweets, like dangos. Lightning. Forced socialization. Physical contact without permission. Il Dottore.
ㅤgood and evilㅤ
ㅤwere the song of sentient life, useless and cacophonous. But if he were to wrench this heart out, he would not be able to feel anything at all.ㅤHe can still hear theㅤㅤwild winds that roared on that day.ㅤ

Anemo. ( Wind ) The element of freedom.ㅤWEAPONㅤ
Tullaytullah’s Remembrance. A ritual bell crafted of deep sapphire and sterling silver. Its echoes are just as crisp as they are distant.ㅤCONSTELLATIONㅤ
Peregrinus. A name meaning " one from abroad, " a foreign traveler or pilgrim. A bird of brey also goes by this name and serves as a representation of freedom, able to cross borders with ease. Due to its swift and striking technique, the peregrine falcon has been associated with aggression and martial prowess, symbolizing a harbinger of divine authority.

he has always felt he has an innate tendency to yearn for something more, in a way that goes deeper than for most people. but for allㅤㅤhis soul searching as a shugenja,ㅤ
ㅤthe puppet never fully understood this feeling.
He has ㅤno need for faithㅤ
who knows the uncreated, who has cut off rebirth,
who has destroyed any opportunity for good or evil, and ㅤcast away all humanity.ㅤ
He has ㅤno need for faithㅤ
who knows the uncreated, who has cut off rebirth,
who has destroyed any opportunity for good or evil, and ㅤcast away all humanity.ㅤ


Prior to Patch 3.2. He serves as the 6th member of the Fatui Harbingers. To be written out, but keep in mind that Scaramouche has a noticeably different personality and outlook than he does as the Wanderer. He is a villain in this verse and I will not water it down.


RS-002: the net nomad
Based on his appearance in the Hoyofair animation Progenitor: Albedo.ㅤFor Honkai: Star RailㅤㅤA doll made in a similar fashion to Herta. Originally resided with the Xianzhou Alliance. Went from Electro ➨ Wind element. Destruction Path.

Lead vocalist for the band Fujin 風神, based on a mixture of Japanese indie rock and rap. Wears grunge / alternative Japanese streetwear. He has a black cat called Ume(boshi) and two cockatiels called Mochi and Momo.